[Evergreen Broadacres] Covid19 - Resident in solation / Residents Recovery

Evergreen Broadacres evergreenbroadacres at lists.zsd.co.za
Tue Jan 5 12:02:31 SAST 2021

        Dear Residents,

Covid19 - Residents in Isolation/ Residents Recovery

We would like to inform you that we have a resident in Frail Care that tested positive for Covid19.  Protocol has kicked in and the entire Frail Care has gone into isolation.  Tracking is being done and no visitors will be allowed into frail care.
All nursing staff are wearing full PPE and undergoing regular screening.   As a result we ask that you please do not attempt to come up stairs for any assistance but rather call for Sister Marius or the Sister on duty to come to your unit if you are in need of any wound dressing or other medical attention.
It is a very stark reminder that Covid-19 is everywhere and so close to home that we should take every precaution and be vigilant.  We have already cancelled all social gatherings in the club house after the president announced our level 3 lock down.
Yet we still find residents coming into the Clubhouse and removing their masks to chat to other residents.  We also see residents that should be isolating as a precaution, leaving their homes. As well as residents walking around outside without wearing masks.
We have closed all entrances to the Clubhouse again as in the past and entrance will only be allowed through the main entrance past the sanitization station.  If you are not wearing your 3 ply cloth / surgical mask over your nose and mouth, you will not be allowed to enter into the Club house.   If you are observed by staff removing your mask while in the club house you will be asked to leave.
We would again like to reiterate to all residents to please alert the Village Manager as soon as you experience any COVID-19 symptoms, such as a sore throat; a fever or increased temperature; a dry cough; body aches; or shortness of breath; loss of taste and/or smell. If you suspect that you have coronavirus symptoms, please call the Frail Care or reception for assistance - please do not come to the clubhouse. It is vital that you report to Village Management as soon as you are not feeling well and that you isolate and do not socialise with other residents.

Furthermore, should you or any of your family go for a COVID-19 test, we request that you inform us immediately. Please do not let them visit you until they receive a negative result and we have been informed.   I would like to thank those residents who have been so diligent in following these precautions and who have let us know that they are isolating as a precaution due to returning from travels or having family members or friends that has tested positive.  We will continue to support residents who do this and assist with online shopping and deliveries to homes or in any other way we can.  I would also like to thank the residents that has shown such a remarkable sense of community towards assisting others in isolation with food deliveries and emotional support.  We are truly blessed in this village with a wonderful community and genuine caring "Village Family Members".

Let us also stay calm during this time as there seems to be a lot of misinformation doing the rounds.
Should you at anytime not be sure of information, I invite you to contact me to clarity for you.

As always if there is anything my staff or myself can do to assist you, we are at your disposal.

Kind regards

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